Church of St. Michael-Madison Faith Formation


          Faith Formation Registration Form

          Online Registration

          2024-2025 Faith Formation Calendar


Parent Communication and Updates

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Safe Enviornment

As part of the ongoing effort to heighten awareness and protect children, the Diocese of New Ulm is mandated to have all parishes within the Diocese implement Safe Environment initiatives and curriculum.  Over the past few years, we have been implementing a variety of policies and curriculum to meet the requirements put forth in the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.  (You may view this document at   In order to be in compliance with the diocesan and national standards we are required to do classroom lessons with our children and youth from the Touching Safety curriculum.  The safety lesson 1 & 2 will be offered:

Grades K-10.........Wednesday, October 9, 2024

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          Program Overview

          Touching Safety Program Teaching Boundaries

To find out more information please visit

Confirmation Information 

Confirmation students must complete 20 Homily Notes each year. Homily Notes may be found by the church entrances. They must be signed by the priest or deacon. Homily Notes may be completed while visiting another parish. They can either be deposited in the box in the front of the church or the rectory mail slot. 

          Homily Notes form

Confirmation students must complete at least 20 hours of volunteer service (per Diocese Policy, Education 342.3)  each year. Volunteer forms may be found at the front enterance at church. They can either be depostited in the box in the front of the church or the rectory mail slot. 

           Volunteer Service Hours


Sponsors at Confirmation represent the believing Christian Community. Thus it is required that they be a practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church and have themselves received the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation), and have reached the age of 16. When a Confirmation student has chosen a sponsor (by Thanksgiving of year 1), the sponsor and student must complete the Sponsor Information sheet. 

           Sponsor Information Sheet

Confirmation Saint

Candidates for confirmation are asked to choose a name of a saint in which they would like to be confirmed. A patron saint provides us with a model of charity and we are assured of their prayers for us. (CCC 2156) Choose a saint that is a patron and model that you would like to look up to. Candidates should choose a patron saint's name because of the attractiveness of the Christian life that person led. The chosen Saint's name will become the candidate's Confirmation name. When the candidate has chosen a Saint (by January of year 1), the candidate must complete the Saint Information Form. 

          Saint Information Form

Confirmation Retreat Options

Would have to pick one during the two years of Confirmation Preparation. All registration costs are the responsibility of the candidate/family, although some opportunities do have the option of fundraising. 

NET Retreat...Abbey of the Hills, Saturday, February 8th, 2025

Stubenville Youth Conference...Rochester, MN, July 11-13, 2025. Approximate Cost: $270

Camp Beloved (Female)...Sleepy Eye, MN, July. Approximate Cost: $250. Scholarships offered by the camp on an as-needed basis. Information on the Diocesean website can be found here.

Camp Greatness (Male)...Sleepy Eye, MN, July. Approximate Cost: $250. Scholarships offered by the camp on an as-needed basis. Information on the Diocesean website can be found here

COR (Choir, Outreach, and Reception)...Montly meetings from September-May/June on Sundays for about 5-7 hours. To fill out an application and for more information click here. The application period is from April-August. 

COR Night...Olivia, MN, December, 15, 2024 and February 23, 2025. An event for middle and high school youth. Each night consists of games, social time, praise and worship music, a speaker, meal, and Cor Jesu (adoration). Cost: $20. All youth are required to be accompanied by adults as per safe enviroment guidelines (8:1 youth to adults). For more information on times and topics click here

Totus Tuus...Summer, locations TBD. A week-long summer catechetical program for youth. The daytime program for grades 1-6 runs from 9 AM to 2:30 PM. In the evening, a program for youth in grades 7-12 are invited to join the team for faith discussions, prayer time (including adoration), games, nd the opportunity to witness college students living a fully Catholic life. For more information on locations in New Ulm Diocese click here

Riverbend TEC (Together Encountering Christ)...AFebruary 15-17, 2025, Winsted, MN at Holy Trinity Church and School. June 21-23, 2025, Marshall, MN at Holy Redeemer School. A three-day Catholic retreat experience focused on the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ. For more informaiton click here.

NET Confirmation Retreats...Saturday-Sunday retreats between the months of September-April. Cost: $175. Click here for dates and more information.