St. Michael's Church

We, the people of far western Minnesota, boarded by the great Minnesota River, are God loving, Jesus seeking, Spirit filled people. We are people engrossed with farming receiving the bounty God offers us year after year. We are strong families centered on the Holy Eucharist serving others with what God has given us.
Mass Times
Tuesday 5:30 pm St. Michael's Church
Wednesday 9:00 am Madison Care Center
Saturday 5:00 pm St. Michael's Church
(These are the normal times which may vary for special circumstances. Please verify specific dates in the bulletin.)
The pioneer parishioners determined to build a church and establish a Parish in 1885 and a petition was sent to Bishop John Ireland of St. Paul. The first church of wood frame construction was built in 1886 by Fr. Andrew Kober. The parish territory included the areas of Madison, Marietta, Rosen, Nassau, Dawson and Revillo, South Dakota.
During the early years; when a priest was unable to come and celebrate Mass, parishioners gathered at the church on Sunday and recited the rosary.
St. Michael's was officially established as a parish of the Diocese of St. Paul on April 23, 1891 when Articles of Incorporation were signed by Bishop Ireland.
The first church was destroyed by fire on August 15, 1904.
A second church of brick construction was built in 1904 during Fr. Klein's pastorate. For a second time the parishioners lost their church when it was struck by lightning on September 19, 1913. The building was completely destroyed except for the outer brick walls.
Construction of the third and present church building was begun in 1913 during Fr. Valentine Schiffrer's pastorate. During the construction the owner of the movie theater in Madison offered the facilities to the parish for Sunday services and Masses and other services were held there for many months. There was even a marriage held in the movie theater. The building was blessed by Bishop John Ireland on September 29, 1915.
A major concern of the pioneer families was the establishment of a parish school. As early as 1898, when Fr. Vilman was pastor, the first school came into being. Much of the parish growth can be attributed to the fact that the parish has maintained a Catholic school.
The first classes were held in the old wooden church building and were taught by lay teachers. The teachers recall the early days in the church. The sanctuary was curtained off during school sessions. The school desk was a shelf affair hinged to the back of the church pews which could be operated like a drop leaf table. Over the weekends the desks were folded down flat against the basks of the pews. Church pews were the school seats. There no blackboards; slates were used for writing and there were no tablets or paper. Discipline was strict. "But there was no homework." Catechism was taught by the pastor and it was bad policy not to know the answer when you were called on to recite.