Parish Events

Advent Mission

Posted on December 07, 2018 in: General News

Our Advent Mission speaker will be Father Matthew Hincks on the weekend of December 8th & 9th. He will speak about Angels.

Fr. Matthew will be in Madison on December 8th with Mass at 5:00pm, meal at 6:00pm, and his presentation about "Twelve Steps to Friendship with Your Guardian Angel" will be at 6:45pm.

Graceville will have Mass at 10am on December 9th, brunch at 11am and presentation about "The Power of the Rosary" at 11:45am.

In Ortonville Father Matthew's presentation about "The Angels and Prayer" will start at 6:30pm on December 9th with dessert being served.

Please join us for the various events and the talks Father Matthew will share with us.

Please pray for him and our Area Faith Community as we journey through this Advent time of reflection.