Parish Events

Mass Intentions

Posted on November 16, 2017 in: General News

Mass intentions refer to the particular purpose for which a specific Mass is offered. This may be to honor God or thank God. Technically a Mass intention means that the sacrifice is offered for some person(s) living or dead. A priest may offer the Mass for several intentions. Mass stipends are a way of praying for the salvation of a lost one, growing in our faith as we ask God's blessings for a special event in life. Mass stipends are a matter of heart and soul when we want that extra prayer. To have a Mass offered for a deceased loved one is a beautiful act of love. To pray for their soul and that they are at peace is what we are all called to do.

The suggested offering for each mass stipend is $10.00. Please label your mass intention stipends if you drop them into any of the weekend collections including your name and phone number if there are questions. If you would like a specific day those mass intentions need to be requested at least 3 months in advance. Also each weekend we need to have one Mass offered for the People of our AFC. Not all requests can be fulfilled. We do the best we can. All checks for Mass intentions stipends should be written out to the Spirit of Life AFC Mass Stipend. Please call 320-598-3690 or email with any questions. Thank you!